Kris Kristofferson
Born June 22, 1936 Died September 28, 2024
A few weeks back I woke to the news that Kris Kristofferson had died. In our simple upbringing and Conservative Mennonite background we were not encouraged to listen to anything other than religious music. But I couldn’t help myself, I liked Kris’s music. It was honest and while it wasn’t always wholesome, he sang about the depth of human experience in a way that touched me. I remember being a boy and learning his song Why Me Lord. Kris wrote it during one of the low times in his life and after hearing Larry Gatlin sing Help Me Lord at a Saturday evening church service. He responded to the invitation that night and the song grew out of that experience. It is a deeply honest song and it touched me. I sang it in our Conservative Mennonite Church one Sunday morning. In those early days of banging around on old guitars with Kristofferson’s music in Church, I realized that we are all just people and that honest music connects with people of all walks of life, religious and non-religious, rich and poor, sophisticated and simple, academic and blue collar. Honest music touches the hearts of all people. I discovered that to be true with my own music in the years of travel where I often played in different countries for folks from vastly different cultures and life styles and languages, and yet, somehow the music, when it was honest, managed to cut through all the potential barriers and we became friends and found common ground and Hope For Tomorrow.
On this cool morning in the mountains of Colorado I am so grateful for Kristofferson and the honesty of his music. It made a difference in my life. I continue to feel well these days and look forward to the day when Vince and Wayne and I can play again. I miss it more than words can say. Until then, check out our new CD on the website (https://www.hermvinceandwayne.com/) and stay tuned for info about upcoming events.
Thanks Kris! Rest in Peace On That Sunday Morning Sidewalk.