Roots Tour 2022
The Herm and Vince 2022 Roots Tour continued in Hesston, Kansas from October 7 -11. We were hosted by Dallas Stutzman, the manager of the 2022 tour. His home was warm and welcoming and we were grateful for the accommodations.
Friday evening Dallas hosted a house concert attended by many of his friends as well as friends of Herm and Vince from their days at Hesston College. It was an intimate evening where friendships were renewed and new ones initiated.
Saturday and Sunday mornings we went on early morning walks through the campus at Hesston reliving old times and dreaming new dreams.
Saturday evening found us outdoors in the recreation area of Whitestone Church for an outdoor concert. It was a beautiful peaceful evening of music and friendship.
It was mental health Sunday at Tabor church the following morning where we were greeted warmly by pastor Katherine. The guys spoke and sang candidly about their own mental health journeys.
Sunday afternoon we relaxed at the home of Joel and Ana. They are dear friends from Hesston College days.
Monday and Tuesday were spent in the recording studio at Bethel College. Although Vince and Herm had recorded in studios frequently over the years this was the first time in 40 years they had worked together. The result was vintage Herm and Vince. Look for a new album in the coming months. The tour continues in Glendale, AZ December 2-4.
