I am grateful as I sit here imagining a bit about who might read this before I let my fingers loose on this keyboard. I hope you know how meaningful it is for us to be able to share our music and our lives with you. Thanks for being part of that.
This past weekend was spent in the Lancaster area at Moravian Manor Communities, Peace Meadow, and Blossom Hill Mennonite Church. Many thanks to Lynette Meck and Dan Mast for helping to make it all happen. It was beautiful and your presence in our lives and our music is so very much appreciated.
We hadn’t played for a few months because we’ve been working on an album. It was great fun to get out there again, great fun. Meeting many friends that we’ve known for a while now and getting to know new friends is such gift. The music is one thing, and it is something that we love, but the relationships with all of you are what make the music worthwhile. Thank you for your friendship.
Next stop, Harrisonburg, Virginia, June 28 & 29. Spread the word. Can’t wait to see you!
hw 6/4/24
